An Aware Connected World Thrives
Body & Mind Connect
The connection between mind and body is well-known. When I feel stressed, my shoulders may tense up. Anxiety could manifest as tightness in my stomach. Happiness could bring about an expansive feeling in my chest. Research even shows that my body position can influence how I feel. Different emotions are associated with different chemicals in the brain, as well as with increased or reduced hormonal levels.

We at ACO believe that body and mind are inextricably linked. We have found that nearly every physical symptom has an emotional component. Similarly, every emotion usually can be located as a body sensation. We have found that various bodywork including NSA chiropractic, X’Tract, neural repatterning, and others often cause the receiver to experience an emotional release. Similarly, we have seen and experienced physical pain drop from a 9 out of 10 to a 2 out of 10 in seconds, simply from connecting with a certain emotion or thought pattern. Many people come to us looking for relief from physical symptoms with no interest in examining their mind patterns. Often we discover that some blocked emotion or ignored pattern in their life seems to be directly or indirectly linked to their physical discomfort. Other people who we have worked with are interested in gaining more awareness and connection with their mind, and as they do so they find that physical symptoms which they had accepted as being just a part of life will virtually disappear.

We at ACO find it very useful to be in a right brain state, take deep breaths, and feel our bodies. If we are having a physical symptom, we will ask what this particular body sensation is trying to show us. If we are having an emotion, we will feel for its location in the body and describe the physical size and shape of it. We find that the more aware and connected we are, the less separation we experience between body and mind.

Click Body or Mind to begin.

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This is what your nervous system looks like. Neuron Artwork by Raederle Phoenix.