An Aware Connected World Thrives
An Unusual Perspective
by Dr. Pam Halton & Moriah Helms
October 10, 2014

We (the designers of this ACO website, Awareness Connections.Org) are trying to use the first person perspective, “I” and/or “we” for as much of the content as possible. Unless we state otherwise, the word “I” will always refer to the person reading the content (including ourselves if we are reading it at that moment), and the word “we” will refer to the reader AND also the rest of the people of the world, including the designers of this website.

Here are several reasons we have chosen to do this:

  1. This ACO Website is about improving our lives by getting aware of patterns in the mind, the body, relationships, and/or any other aspects of life. When the mind reads something that says “you”, the mind has to translate it to “I” before considering whether it applies to itself or not. When the mind reads the word “I” or “we”, the mind needs to make one less translation step before considering whether the pattern being examined ever applies to itself or not.

  2. The makers of this website attempt to include data from all the many varied viewpoints of the world and we will continue to try to collect and share more data. When it comes to people gaining awareness and changing the dysfunctional patterns of our society and planet, we have found it extremely helpful to see and feel how everyone has each contributed to ALL the patterns. This includes ourselves, and especially includes the patterns that annoy us the most and that we are sure we are not involved in. It can be difficult for a person to see that we are contributing to all the patterns. Instead, we tend to believe it’s the “other people over there” doing something that annoys “us” and that “we” didn’t contribute to what “they” are doing. We find that when people see that each and every one of us contributes to each pattern, we begin to more deeply see our own societal conditioning, which is helpful to our own growth and connections with our own patterns, so we can each thrive in our own lives. It also empowers us to actually change the problem since we see how we are contributing to it in the first place.

    We feel that the “us/them” and “you/me” dichotomy that dictates many of our beliefs and interactions on a societal and individual basis, is part of the problem that keeps us distracted and in conflict with each other, instead of taking action toward a more thriving world. To us (the makers of this website), “we” means all the people of this planet, including people who we do not agree with. By using “I/we”, there is a shift away from blaming the other(s) and toward a new level of self awareness.

  3. The makers of this website envision other people co-creating and re-creating this website and others like it, hopefully ending up with all of the websites having even more data and more varied perspectives than this one currently does. We enjoy and look forward to feedback from the public and we intend to add more points of view and data as our own awareness expands. We also encourage the translation and modification of this website, particularly for distribution in other countries. Please contact us if you are interested in helping translate the content into other languages and/or re-creating this website in your country.

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