An Aware Connected World Thrives
Mind Connect


Some people believe that just shifting our own consciousness can change the entire world. My mind colors the filters through which I see the world. Those filters determine my perception of every experience that I have, which in turn generates more of the same kinds of experiences. As I get more aware of and connected to the patterns of my mind, emotions, and behaviors, my perception is less influenced by filters. I see more perspectives, I release past hurts and judgments, and I start getting more of what I want in my own life and relationships.

For those of us who want to help the world, connecting to our own minds is a critically important endeavor. We won’t be able to focus on larger societal issues if we are having too much of our own emotional distress. We at ACO believe that connecting to our own minds is key to influencing real social change.

AwarenessConnections.Org is a vast website of free tools and information that is under construction. We have about 85% of the content finished for the initial launch but have been unable to get enough help to get it done with all of the other things in life (people needing us to teach classes, people needing our help even when they can't pay us much or anything, health situations, getting money to pay bills, etc.). We are excited to partner with several time banks in areas where we do travel around the Northeast and teach programs because we think this is going to let us finish the website and the several videos we have that just need finishing touches to post to the internet. Yay!

This page is not yet complete. Our ACO Team has been working extremely hard to design and produce the AwarenessConnections.Org site. From January through October of 2014, more than six key people and several other smaller players have volunteered more than 1400 people-hours to bring this website and project to the public so far, not including the many hours of data gathering and brainstorming which had occurred over several prior years. Please realize that people can influence how quickly things get completed and what order and priority they take with each other. For example, if someone lets us know that they really want a particular topic, we will try to make it a higher priority. If someone else realizes that they have something to share about a particular topic, they can start or complete a writeup for us and email it to, and/or they can just refer us to other links or data that’s out there so that we can more easily complete the writeup when we do it ourselves, and so on. They could give as much or as little information as they want. They could have it as roughly written or as well written as they want. The more it is applicable, relevant, well written, complies to the guidelines for articles, etc., the less we will probably need to edit it. To see all the other ways you can help, many of them not involving money, see the Care & Share section.

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This is what your nervous system looks like. Neuron Artwork by Raederle Phoenix.